
Payoff by Dan Airely, book notes and summary

Pranav K

Feb 2, 2024

Payoff by Dan Airely

Chapter 1:

When you’re feeling bored and unmotivated it might be bcuz of lack of meaning attached to the work.

So try mentally reframing it. See how this work might help someone down the road??

Chapter 2:

One fascinating insight I found was people underestimate meaning in work. even little bump can ruin the whole enthusiasm, so have to bit careful.

We are really motivated by creation. When we create stuff with our hardwork we tend to value it more and give it more meaning. This is called egocentric bias.

So engaging in something. Making it more personalized. Is really motivating to us.

Dan gives this is the reason we’re so attached to our children. We invest ourselves really heavily. This makes us attached to them and value them so much.

We do a task for its inherent joy, but when we think about the task in advance we overfocus on extrinsic motivation. This makes us bad at predicting what will motivate us and what will crush us.

Chapter 3:

Here Dan explains how counter intuitive it is to use money as a motivator. At times it can decrease motivation exponentially.

It’s better we focus building goodwill and trust. We are more likely to be invest and engage in long term relationships.

Chapter 4:

When we think about our death our responses comes to very strange behaviours and emotions that doesn’t make rational sense. We have strong unconscious need for immortality. This is why people spend irrationally and without any planning on funeral services. We want something that would outlast our physical existence. ^d074ab

Building a legacy is strong motivation for us. ^76aec3